Currency Code Converter
If you are new to Node.js, you can learn more on the official Node.js website.
To use this module in your Node.js project, you can install it using npm:
npm install currency-code-converter
Node.js (JavaScript)
const converter = require('currency-code-converter');
Example: Convert currency to number
try {
const numericCode = converter.currencyToNumber('Euro');
console.log(numericCode); // Output: 978
} catch (error) {
// Example: Convert country to currency
try {
const currency = converter.countryToCurrency('Germany');
console.log(currency); // Output: Euro
} catch (error) {
// Additional functions follow a similar pattern for code and number conversions.
React (JavaScript)
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Converter from 'currency-code-converter';
const App = () => {
const [selectedCurrency, setSelectedCurrency] = useState('Euro');
// Example: Convert currency to number in a React component
const handleConvertToNumber = () => {
try {
const numericCode = Converter.currencyToNumber(selectedCurrency);
console.log(numericCode); // Output: Numeric code of the selected currency
} catch (error) {
return (
Currency Code Converter
export default App;
currencyToNumber(currency: string): number
Converts a currency to its numeric code.
currencyToCountry(currency: string): string[]
Converts a currency to an array of corresponding countries.
currencyToCode(currency: string): string
Converts a currency to its alphabetic code.
countryToCurrency(country: string): string
Converts a country to its corresponding currency.
countryToCode(country: string): string
Converts a country to its alphabetic code.
countryToNumber(country: string): number
Converts a country to its numeric code.
codeToCountry(code: string): string[]
Converts a code to an array of corresponding countries.
codeToCurrency(code: string): string
Converts a code to its corresponding currency.
codeToNumber(code: string): number
Converts a code to its numeric code.
numberToCountry(number: number): string[]
Converts a numeric code to an array of corresponding countries.
numberToCurrency(number: number): string
Converts a numeric code to its corresponding currency.
numberToCode(number: number): string
Converts a numeric code to its alphabetic code.
allCodes(): object[]
Returns an array of objects containing all countries, code, currency, number.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
© 2024 abdullah-afzal